Melissa Beatriz

Co-Founder (Development Department) & Advisor

Melissa Beatriz (she/her/ella) is a Uruguayan-American filmmaker, community journalist, and researcher based in Philadelphia. She produces documentaries that center racial and immigrant justice, advocates for inclusive media, and writes about community-based arts. She uses digital media and cultural production to co-create narratives in collaboration with bilingual, immigrant, communities of color. Melissa is a 2019 Leeway Transformation Awardee. She has also received support from Doc Society Good Pitch Local Philadelphia, Leeway Foundation, Double Exposure Investigative Film Festival Scholars, and Sundance Institute New Frontier Philadelphia Day Lab. She has written for online publications including WHYY, Broad Street Review, Generocity, Politic 365, and Motivos Magazine. Melissa has a Master of Social Work degree from the University of Pennsylvania, with a focus on macro-level policy.

Content By Melissa Beatriz

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